Kult Tattoo


Main / Tattoos

Rafał Rafsmiler

Strong contours, minimalistic palette of colors and moderate shading make each of his tattoos really impressive. See more

Joanna Inkaust

Her works mainly refer to graphic motives taken from animated and inanimate nature. Graduate of Cracow Academy of Pedagogy. See more

Marcin Małczyk

After many years of work and exploration through various tattoo styles, Marcin ultimately turned to Japanese tattooing. As he feels more at home in the classic approach, he also gladly creates artwork in the traditional style. See more

Patryk Patol

Drawing is his passion. He works mainly in grays. See more

Mikołaj Snopek

Black and gray realistic tattoos See more


He has been dealing with letters over 15 years, that’s a guarantee that every inscription will be 100% authentic. See more

Jacek Smutek

He specializes in dotwork, but also enjoys working in neotraditional style of tattoos. He’s a funny guy. See more


Natalia specjalizuje się w tatuażu graficznym... See more


Lora specjalizuje się w tatuażu graficznym i minimalistycznym... See more

Histia Tattoo

Natalia has been tattooed since 2021. Her style is mainly blackwork, Dark ornament and graphic style. See more

Aneta Kwiecień

Aneta specializes in her unique interpretation of the classic style, combining it with unconventional colors and surprising details. She also enjoys working in shades of black and gray, always prioritizing a personalized approach to each project. See more


Tatuowaniem zajmuje się zawodowo od 2013 roku. Od początku swojej kariery próbował swoich sił w różnych stylach, ale najbliżej jego sercu jest styl graficzny, który daje szerokie pole do eksperymentów. Inspiracje czerpie z natury otaczającego świata i natury człowieka. See more


Graphic designer and performer. She studied Fine Art with History of Art BA at the School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies, University of Leeds in England. A graduate of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. She completed her first master's degree at the Faculty of Industrial Forms, and her second master's degree at the Faculty of Intermedia. Passionate about illustration, she draws inspiration from folk art - patterns of traditional embroidery and paper cutouts from various regions of Poland. See more

Dawid – Quali One

Dawid (25) specializes in the calligraphy/ornament style. He has been tattooing for 3 years and has been interested in calligraphy for over 5 years. He is inspired by calligraphy and inscriptions in any form, which he can later transfer to the skin. In his free time, he likes running and watching anime. See more

Jakub Jasek

Kuba is a supporter of black graphic tattoos referring to engravings and illustrations created with fineliners. See more

Pola -Yanari Tattoo

Pola draws inspiration for his tattoos from old, mainly 18th and 19th century Japanese woodcuts. She is interested in large colorful irezumi compositions and flashes referring to Japanese culture and mythology. In his free time, he draws illustrations with fineliners or visits museums. See more

Sovva INK

Gosia Sowa jest naszą praktykantą, uczy się w kierunku wykonywania tatuaży dotworkowych i graficznych. See more