Kult Tattoo


Start / About us

Kult tattoo, who are we?

We need work like air… This need combines with 100% concentration and commitment to a great story, the chapters of which we illustrate with new tattoos. All this to turn every single desire, of our clients, into creative and unique works of art. You can come to us with a ready idea, or with a more undefined project. In both situations, we will definitely get along.

The magazine and the festival 

Kult Tattoo, first of all, are people in love with the art of tattoo. Our desire to spread the enthusiasm among others has led us to get involved in two huge tattoo projects: TATTOOFEST Magazine – a nationwide monthly magazine about the art of tattooing and an international event – Tattoofest Convention.

Kult friends

We regularly cooperate with others who share our passion.

We bring together people with passion

This is the motto of the project, in which we want to introduce you to interesting personalities. They all have two things in common, everyone is strongly committed to their passion and loves tattoos. We will regularly present more and more interesting personalities, and if you would like to become one of them
write to us: studio@kulttattoo.pl.